Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tepuk dada, tanya iman~

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Salaam alaykum ya Syifak ul Qulb!

Ogenki desuka? Ni hao ma? Kabare? Apa khabar? How are you? Como 'estas? Kayfa halukunna? Anyong sahayo.. =D

Apa khabar iman semua? =) Sedih rasanya bila mengenangkan En. Ramadhan yang semakin meninggalkan kita.. Let's take a while and ask ourselves these questions: Adakah kita telah memanfaatkan Ramadhan ini sebaiknya? Sudah berapa banyak pahala yang telah berjaya kita 'shopping' sepanjang Ramadhan kali ini? Mudah- mudahan Allah menjadikan Ramadhan kita kali ini sebagai Ramadhan yang terbaik, madrasah Ramadhan yang akan menjadikan kita semua insha Allah, lebih kuat menghadapi godaan syaitan laknatullah dan juga dugaan yang bakal menanti.. Semoga istiqamah dalam amalan & semoga dapat memberi yang terbaik apabila kita 'graduate' dari madrasah Ramadhan 1429H ini, insha Allah..

Alhamdulillah kita dah selamat berdaurah semalam.. To be honest, I think I was quite ter’kesan’ dengan presentation akhi Azmir.. Bak kata Naem, ‘tajam & bertubi2’ (well, in her language it’s nonstop).. hehe. Jadi sekarang insha Allah nak berkongsi sedikit sebanyak apa yang saya dapat dari daurah semalam.. =)

Kenapa kita Islam?

Pernahkah anda mendapat ajukan pertanyaan seperti di atas? Kenapa anda Islam? Kenapa anda memilih Islam dan bukan agama- agama lain di dunia ini? Pernahkah anda terfikir betapa pentingnya soalan ini, terutamanya kepada seorang da'ie?

I absolutely agree with what akhi Azmir said yesterday, that ‘Kita sebagai dai’e yang membawa slogan Islam has to first, KNOW and UNDERSTAND why we’re Muslims, bukan hanya membuta tuli atau secara warisan seperti dalam suratul Baqarah:

‘Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka,”Ikutilah apa yang telah diturunkan Allah,” mereka menjawab,” (Tidak!) Kami mengikuti apa yang kami dapati daripada nenek moyang kami (melakukannya).” Padahal, nenek moyang mereka itu tidak mengetahui apa pun, dan tidak mendapat petunjuk.’[Al- Baqarah, 2:170]

Sebagai contoh, when we know there’s a Christian preacher/ priest who’s gonna come and preach to us specifically (i.e. not just eavesdropping).. u know.. tell us about the goodness of Christiandom and how it is a much easier religion to practice, so- to- speak religion than Islam (since you don’t have to worry abt salah, zakah, saum and all the other obligatory duties in Islam, because all that matters is the LOVE of God), or how Christian is the leading religion in the world (currently) with the most ‘penganut’ and just preach bla3x.. Or a person who’s a Baha’ie-an who claimed that the Baha’ie religion is one that ‘unifies’ all the other three agama Samawi (Jewish, Christian, Islam), or an atheist who argued ‘Can a God create a rock, so huge that even God himself could not move it?’ Most of us will feel quite anxious and intimidated on what these people has to say.. This is especially true when we don’t have enough knowledge about our own Deen. When we don’t know why in fact we’re embracing the beautiful ‘religion’ of Islam.. Akhi Azmir actually went right down to the basics of being a da’ie in his presentation.

The question of ‘kenapa kamu Islam?’ could be quite a confusing, provoking and ‘deep’ question to those who are Muslim pada nama (Islam kata nama) and hanya mewarisi Islam tu sendiri. Muslim in Arabic language sense, is a verb.. not a noun. I pray to Allah that we’re not included in the category of what’s being said by Allah in this ayah:

‘Dan sungguh, akan Kami isikan neraka Jahannam banyak dari kalangan jin dan manusia. Mereka memiliki hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat- ayat Allah) dan mereka memiliki mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda- tanda kekuasaan Allah), dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ayat- ayat Allah). Mereka seperti haiwan ternak, malah lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang- orang yang lengah’ [Al A’raf, 7:179]

Tuntutan menuntut Ilmu Syar'ie

For me, to answer the above question, we simply need to gain more knowledge. There’s no simpler way to go about it. This is primarily because Islam is not just about faith. It’s about proof as well, unlike other religions, which made it rise above all the others. Benarlah kata pepatah Melayu 'Tak kenal maka tak cinta'. Jangan sekali- kali kita merasa cukup dengan pemahaman dan pengenalan kita terhadap Allah dan Islam, kerana semakin kita mengenali dan memahaminya, kita merasa semakin dekat denganNya.. Semakin yakin kita bhw kita berada dalam jalan yang lurus insha Allah..

There are various ways to gain knowledge about this deen. For instance, through reading Islamic books (especially sirah nabi & para sahabat), listen/ watch Islamic videos (such as Shaykh Yusuf Estes’s, Shaykh Khalid Yassin’s, Dr Zakir Naik’s, Harun Yahya’s, Baba Ali’s and many more, [I did a lot of this in my 1st year here, given the abundance of free time I had last year).. kat sini nak promote sikit website ummah films and website Shaykh Yusuf Estes’s website: =D insha Allah you can choose a number of his other websites from the link).

Alhamdulillah, I treasure my experience in being an AUIS committee member, during which time had “forced” me to learn and dig up info on Islam. This is especially true when it was time of the year for ‘Islam Awareness Week’ which I have in some way ‘contributed’ for the event for the 2 years of being here (insha Allah looking forward to join one final one next year =D).. When I did this, I started to compare and contrast (knowledge-wise, not akidah wise) Islam, and other religions in the world.. And each time I do that, I found Islam is the ultimate winning ‘religion’ for many countless reasons.. (It’s a pleasure, trust me wink2).. I am sure most of us Syifak ul Qulb did this too, and is still doing the same thing, insha Allah…

Rasulullah Al Amin

Akhi Azmir shared with us yesterday also the supposed reasons of why we’re Muslims.. Antaranya the miracles of Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri, specifically, at the time of origin of Islam, how he was known by the Arab Jahiliyyah as al Amin (the honest one/ the one who is trustworthy)., how he called on all his family, Bani Hashim to gather, how he stood on Jabal As-Safa and how he asked them if they would believe him, if he told them that there’s a bala tentera of army at his back is on their way to attack them. And the Arabs said yes, they would of course, since Muhammad is al Amin! This clearly shows (if you want to look from a non Muslim perspective) that the one who brought the Islamic belief in the first instance was indeed a very honest and trustworthy person. There are of course various other miracles in which I’m sure you guys have already known about (don’t think I should stretch this entry much longer by listing each one of them.. =P)

Allah al Khaliq

Among other reasons that were mentioned by Akhi Azmir, why I am Muslim is: the creation of beings around us. Ask yourself this question: ‘Will I be here if there’s no al Khaliq?’ Consider this, if you were walking down in a desert (there’s no desert in New Zealand but you can imagine.. =P) and suddenly we found, buried in the sands, was a watch.. Not just any watch, but a sophisticated- looking, there’s-no-way-I-could-afford-such-a-thing watch, in the middle of God-forsaken land.. What would you think? Surely, you’d think that somebody had lost his watch in this desert, and that the watch must have a creator, a designer that had carefully and intelligently invented the watch.. It just make sense.. Think about it….

Islam essentially means submission to the One true God.. not just peace or tranquility.. Those two, if I may state, is a result of being a Muslim.. (but the root word ‘Salama’ actually means peace so it’s kinda related).. So this One true God must be the answer to all that we’ve been asking about.. Who’s our Creator? Who’s our originator, what’s our purpose of life, so on and so forth.. In a simple logical sense, there could not be more than one God, because don’t you think they’re gonna quarrel with each other? If you watched the series Hercules before, you’d know what I’m talking about.. =P

Al-Quran Mukjizat

And the final reason as to why I am Muslim is: The Holy Quran.. It’s really amazing to think & reflect how special the mukjizat given by Allah to Rasulullah s.a.w is; each and every one of the letters were retained/ maintained in exactly the manner which it was revealed upon the Prophet s.a.w., and how the Muslims still actually have the original copy of al Quran, or how more than 10 million people on earth today memorized the Quran, from cover to cover. It’s such a wondrous thing, especially for a non Muslim to know this (and most Muslims themselves took this for granted) because non of the scriptures of the other religions are preserved in it’s entirety:

‘Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang menurunkan alQuran dan pasti Kamilah yang akan memeliharanya’ [Al Hijr, 15:9]

‘Dan jika kamu meragukan (al-Quran) yang Kami turunkan kepada hamba kami (Muhammad), maka buatlah satu surah semisal dengannya dan ajaklah penolong- penolongmu selain Allah, jika kamu orang yang benar’ [Al Baqarah, 2:23]

Penurunan al Quran kepada masyarakat Arab Jahiliyyah dalam bentuk poetry (bahasa yang indah), adalah sangat berhikmah, dan sesuai dengan sikap masyarakat pada zaman tersebut yang sangat mementingkan dan membanggakan bahasa mereka, i.e. Arabic language.. That is in fact how Allah lenturkan their ego. If we look at how Allah lenturkan ego masyarakat Bani Israel semasa zaman pemerintahan Firaun (Pharoah) dengan tongkat sakti nabi Musa, sesuai dengan keadaan masyarakat pada masa itu yang obsessed with magic. Make sense isn’t it? Itu baru kita berbicara tentang penurunan al Quran yang penuh hikmah, belum lg consider the content of al Quran itself yang lengkap; mencakupi all the thinkable bidang dalam dunia ni. Al Quran menceritakan kebenaran, dan yang penting akhlak- akhlak yang dengannya manusia akan beramal.. Semua ni sudah digariskan untuk umat Islam 1400 tahun yg lalu.. Plato, Aristotle dan ahli falsafah lain xperlu memerah otak untuk memikirkan all the philosophies of how humanity should behave or anything of the sort..Same thing goes for woman’s rights.. Para wanita Islam sudah lama diberikan keistimewaan dan diangkat darjat mereka sejak 1400 tahun dahulu! Isn’t it just amazing? Subhanallah!

Just looking at all the facts, one would be amazed at how special Islam really is to the world. Just continue digging, and you’d be mesmerized of what you might find.. =) In conclusion, seorang da’ie itu harus “know your stuff” first before actually bekerja untuk Islam. Settlekan dulu bab akidah, baru kita ckp pasal dakwah..It’s just like in marketing, where we have to advertise our product to the buyers, we have to know what makes our product the best out of all the other brands in the market.. Just that in our case, Islam dah pun terbukti sebagai yang terbaik, and we just need to get the relevant facts in our head and to know, and make sure ia tertanam dalam lubuk hati, we’re Muslims not because inheritance or any other reasons, but we’re Muslims because we want to be Muslim, and we know & understand fully that Islam is the true Deen. This very important, dalam usaha kita untuk meningkatkan keimanan & ketaqwaan kita serta ultimately, untuk mencapai keredhaan Allah, sebagai matlamat terakhir kita.. Bukan lagi solat untuk exercise, bukan lagi puasa untuk diet, dan bukan lagi pakai tudung sbb nak jaga rambut.. Tapi kita buat semua yang di atas, kerana menunaikan perintah Allah s.w.t.. Insha Allah

Dah panjang sgt membebel ni.. Mula2 xth nak tulis apa, but when I started typing rasa cm byk pulak nk diluahkan.. hehe.. =P since this is my first blog entry in my <>22 years of living in this world, jadi sy mohon petunjuk & guidance from those who have more experience.. tolong betulkan mana yg salah, dan comment mana yang patut.. Semoga kita terus berada dalam jalan dakwah, sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. yang mulia ini..

‘Katakanlah (Muhammad), “Inilah jalanku, aku dan orang- orang yang mengikutiku mengajak (kamu) kepada Allah dengan yakin, Maha suci Allah dan aku tidak termasuk dalam golongan orang- orang musyrik”’. [Yusuf, 12:108]

May Allah guide us all~

Uhibbukunna fillah =) Semofa ukhuwwah kita membawa ke Jannatul Firdaus..Ameen insha Allah.. =D

Wallahu ‘alam


emilia said...

jiwaku di tanganMU